Posted by Jill Markey ( on March 26, 2001 at 07:33:30:
My long-time dream of visiting Japan has finally come
I have received a Fulbright Teacher Memorial Fund Award
to travel to Japan
for 3 weeks this October, 2001. The program is headed
by Samuel Shepherd,
Executive Director of the Japan - U.S. Educational
There have been only 200 educators selected from the
United States to travel
at this time- representing all grade levels from
administrators and teacher
Although my itinerary is not final at this time, I do
know that I'll spend
about10 days in Tokyo, meeting legislative dignitaries
and Educators from
the "top down". This will include the Teacher
Educators/ University
Professors of all disciplines in Japan. Then, I'll
travel to a smaller city
outside Tokyo for the remaining 11 days to visit
schools, teachers, students
in their classrooms.
My focus will be on the U.S./ Japan Cultural exchange
and, naturally, I will
be interested in arts and technology education. I will
represent the United
States with emphasis on Ohio. I will take with me my
experiences as not only
an educator of the Columbus Public Schools (Department
of Instructional
Technology), but as the current President of the Ohio
Art Education
Association and active member of the Ohio Alliance for
Arts Education. I
recently received the National Art Education
Association award for
"Outstanding Art Educator of the Year for Supervision/
Administration in the
Western Region" (16 states combined- the largest of
Perhaps you may want to visit the website for more
I’ll be sure to keep you informed as I receive more
information on this