Posted by Joe ( on November 08, 2000 at 09:25:21:
Hello all...
I'm in London on business right now(okay, I'll find time for fun...and that doesn't include the attempted £350 million jewel theft from the Millennium Dome!) Thought I'd check out our website This goes to all our fine, conservative family members...the prevailing attitude in "jolly ole England" is that Al Gore would make a better President. As a matter of fact, a few have mentioned to me that our country's presidential election is in a sense, the election of the world's president because of our power. There has been a great deal of interest in our election...especially since it has yet been decided (it's now Wednesday afternoon, 2:35 pm London time)
However, alas, even with all this rather interesting political candidate, Ralph Nader, well, Ralph was better than Buchanan...and aren't we all happy about that!
Cheers! (Sorry for that Brit talk)