Posted by Dick - the Unknowing Geneologist ( on October 16, 2000 at 20:46:14:
In Reply to: Reiling's from PA?? posted by Angela Snyder on October 01, 2000 at 00:00:52:
Hi Angela,
I can't tell you about the connection with the
family in PA. Our family got to Louisville and
then to Dayton around the turn of the century. My son
when he was working for the Navy history museum searched
a lot of ship logs and found many Reilings coming here
during the 1840s-1060s...probably escaping the
political unrest in Germany at the time.
There are a lot of Reilings in geneology and some
go back to the fourteenth century. In due time, I
think we will find some ties...
We hope this web-site is the vehicle.
I'll send this also via email to you.
Best, Dick Reiling
: Hi, I am looking into my husband's family genealogy and we have an EMILY Reiling in our family. My husband is Earl Reiling Snyder, Jr. Emily was his paternal grandmother. We know that she was born, along with her twin Jenevieve, in Hanover, PA to ADAM and AMELIA or AMANDA Reiling around 1863. If this name sounds familiar, please e mail me @ Thanks,
: Angela Snyder
: PS This is a great web site