Posted by Michelle Conn ( on July 13, 2000 at 15:15:28:
In Reply to: Go to Dayton Daily News Webpage posted by Dick on November 15, 1999 at 09:41:37:
I am a 33 yr okld single mother of 2. Money is tight because I am disabled. I can only get to the grocery when others are available to take me. This usually means that I get there on Wednesdays. I shop at Meijers because it is close and I can get everything there from food to shoes for the kids. I have been in the area now for several years and have discovered that on Wednesdays that Meijers can not keep the food they have on sale in the isles or on shelves and there isa never a employee around to help you. If you do find an employee who is willing to take the time to answer your question they always reply, I don't know ma'm I just started. When You ask to see a manager they are never available or they are busy and will be here as soon as they can. I have waited at times for a manager to come talk to me for an hour before one arrives. And Checking out, what a joke. Lines are so long that you spend more time in line than getting your groceries. I timed myself once. It took me 20 minutes to complete my list of 10 Items and it took me 1 hour and 45 min to check out. Not enought checkers or baggers and 3 suit and ties standing around with phones conected to there ears doing nothing. I know that one of them had to know how to run a register and they all know how to bag so why not open another lane and have one bag and leave one manager on the phone? Why not offer better pay or what ever it takes to hire cashiers and employees that are willing to stay and complete a job till it is well done. I have been many places and have seen alot of misjustice to consumers and lots of mis justice in handicap comsumers. Because I am handicap my self but its not as obvious with me people blow me off. I am very interested in being a volunteer consumer advocate for the paper. I feel that I can be firm and fair with out vengance or vendeta's on people places and things. I'm not really sure I need to talk to at the paper but if someone could let me know I'd really like that.
Sincerely and in consumers intrest,
Michelle Conn