Posted by Ken Heet ( on June 04, 2000 at 10:58:22:
I am sorry that I haven't sent in anything recently. Since our family (at home) Terri (wife & better half) and Tracey (little baby girl, ok she 21!) return from France with bro Don, I got fired, computer completely died, got a new job, and Mike (#1 son, yes he is the only son: wins by default) got engaged to a beautiful young lady.
Traveling with Don is a blast! I recommend that all the relatives contact him as a trip consultant. We ate things that I don't think are legal or real back here in the US. Thanks Don.
Came back from France, and I was fired by the French company I was working for. I guess they heard of my comments about their "gras" ie: fatten goose liver and other organ meats. Don't they realize all organs do is either filter something, or excrete something.
I was recently joined a company by the name of PROZONE. I cover the South, from New Mexico to the Carolina coast, and from the Tenn./Ky line to the FL. Keys. This company produces Ultra High Ultraviolet units for the production of ozone. It is used in spas and swimming pools. As it is said, the Prozone saleman has a certain "air" about him.
Now, even better news. Mike is engaged to a young lady named "Lila" she is a clinical pharmacist at a local hospital. Mike is a number-0ne auto painter. This kid makes more than I do. I would say this is one couple that should never have to go to dear ol' MoM and Dad for money help. They are planning to get married next May in Alcopolco, Mex. (her daddy is flipping the bill). Thankyou for your interest and talk with you soon. love.