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Posted by Jill, OAEA Pres. Elect! ( on April 09, 2000 at 13:55:38:

Just returned from Los Angeles for my first assignment as the Ohio Art Education Association's President Elect to attend the National Convention. It was a very successful trip! Colleagues from all over the country met and it was good to see them since our Ohio State days. I made new friends who will also serve as delegates with me over the next 3 years. Our next convention will take me to NYC. I already have reservations!
The weather was wonderful- sunny (which I miss being in Columbus), and not too hot, not too cold. Just right!
I got to get together with Joe and Krista and hear about what they are doing!
The jet lag was interesting since my trip overlapped the Daylight Savings' time change... but I feel back to normal again! Love to all, Jill

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