Posted by Dick - the POL! ( on March 23, 2000 at 14:03:59:
In Reply to: Gore vs. Bush posted by Dan on March 22, 2000 at 02:59:34:
Almost as long as I have been a voter in this system, the
Presidential election has always come down to the 'lesser
of two evils.' It always seems that we are presented with
two people that no one really wants because there are
defects on both sides. And yet we have had some pretty
good people, (Clinton excluded!!! ;).
I think we are going to have as Americans accept the fact
that perfection, such as Dick for President, does not exist,
and be positive about the country.
During the Gulf War, many said "we support our troops" with
the obvious implication that we do not support Mr. Bush. Interestingly
enough, everyone felt very happy and proud of what our troops
did.....but maybe all the credit was not given where it should!
And at the same time, maybe those who only "supported our troops"
should reflect on their pre-war motives.
Dan, I am not picking on you, but want to feel positive about
this great country. Even though, Mr. Clinton has some very
serious vices, he is effective, far more than many will give
him credit in many arenas.
As I mentioned above, until a "Reiling" or "relative" becomes
President, I for one am going on the positive move. As a matter
of curiosity, I wonder what was said about Mr. Lincoln during
his first campaign.
Regards, Dick